In my essay I will be comparing both Thomas Paine’s and Patrick Henry’s speeches that they both gave during the American Revolution. Which was a major time for America because at that time we were fighting for our freedom. And these to men were part of the main reason why we even got into the battle. Patrick Henry(1763-1799) he was one of the first men who was responsible for urging the colonial people to go to war with the British. The way that he managed to do this was that he was a very excellent speaker he was able to persuade anyone. He used a lot of metaphors in his speech like when he used the metaphor of the odyssey. Patrick Henry gave his speech in the Virginia House Of Burgesses to the members and president. It is also said that to add even more emphasize to his speech at the end he added the most famous words of all time “Give me liberty or give me death.” …show more content…
Although he did write this half-way through the revolution he managed to keep the men from losing hope by telling them that God almighty would not give up a people to military destruction, or leave them unsupported to perish, who have so earnestly and so repeatedly sought to avoid calamity of war, by every decent method which wisdom could invent. This is what kept them from quitting half-way through the