
Compare And Contrast Tom Robinson And Boo Radley

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Compare And Contrast Tom Robinson And Boo Radley
Boo Radley and Tom Robinson are both symbolized by the mockingbird. Boo is a symbol of the mockingbird for a few reasons. First, Boo is symbolized as a mockingbird because many hurtful things are said about him that are not true. People make assumptions of who he is because of the stories people have told them. Boo Radley has never harmed anyone in anyway. People have said many untrue things about Boo harming people but those statements are false. He has never wanted to cause trouble all he has wanted to do is protect Jem and Scout. He saved their lives when he protected them from Bob Ewell. This shows how brave, kind and loving he is. Tom Robinson is also symbolized as a mockingbird in the book. First, Tom is an African-American so he is already

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