They had roughly three cans of food that they were going to eat over a period of time. Sadly one of the men couldn’t fight the urge and ate them overnight. They had to start searching for food. They caught a fish after trying, and trying. They thought they would have no problem eating the raw fish because they were starving, they thought wrong. They were trying to force it down their throats or they would starve. Pi had tons of cans of food. Plenty to save him for a long time. Yet after it was gone, he also had to start searching for food. He caught fish no problem, but he felt remorse after killing it. He felt bad. You’d think you would be overjoyed after catching food that could very well save your life. Yet I believe one of the worst parts of Life of Pi was when Pi said, “On the day when I estimated it was Mother’s birthday, I sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to her out loud” (Martel 264)
You’d think that being found after being lost at sea would have you overjoyed. Louis was overjoyed at first, until he realized it was the Japanese Army that found him. He was about to go through some more rough things. Pi was a little out of it, yet he was scared when he realized he turned up in Mexico and the Japanese were interrogating him. Neither of them were happy at the time with being found, yet if Pi would have been out there a little longer, he wouldn’t have lasted much longer in the situation he was