While Paul Johnson focuses on the accomplishments of the colonists, Howard Zinn’s work is more focused on the atrocities the colonists committed. Howard Zinn starts out his novel with the innocent Arawaks greeting Columbus with a bountiful amount of gifts to which Columbus responds selfishly by demanding they show him where the gold is located. After that, things rapidly decline. Zinn proceeds to highlight the enslavement and harsh treatment of the natives by Columbus and the ruthless genocide of the Indians. However, Paul Johnson starts off his novel by optimistically stating how the U.S. is one of the greatest civilizations of all time and highlights Columbus’s determination and accomplishments.
While Paul Johnson focuses on the accomplishments of the colonists, Howard Zinn’s work is more focused on the atrocities the colonists committed. Howard Zinn starts out his novel with the innocent Arawaks greeting Columbus with a bountiful amount of gifts to which Columbus responds selfishly by demanding they show him where the gold is located. After that, things rapidly decline. Zinn proceeds to highlight the enslavement and harsh treatment of the natives by Columbus and the ruthless genocide of the Indians. However, Paul Johnson starts off his novel by optimistically stating how the U.S. is one of the greatest civilizations of all time and highlights Columbus’s determination and accomplishments.