M2 – National growth or decline in the primary, secondary and tertiary classification of business activities.
UK has a small proportion of people working in the primary industry. The machinery in the UK has taken over many jobs in the primary sector and tertiary sector is still growing in the UK.
The increase of the machinery use, increasing use of chemical fertilisers has made a huge decease in employment in the primary sector. UK environment has also suffered since 1945 the UK has lost 95% of its wildflowers, 30% of ancient woodland, 60% of lowland heath land, 140,000 miles of hedgerows and 50% of lowland fens, valleys and basin mires.
Over the years the primary, secondary and tertiary has changed the way they are used. In 1990 the primary sector was used more because people would produced their own food and owned their own animals for the meat but as the years went pass people started to trade the food that they produced and the animals they owned for other products.
In 1993 the percentage of people working in the tertiary sector was 73.8% and this figure started to increase as the years started to pass. By 1998 the percentage went up and it was 75.0% and in 2000 it was 76.5% and in 2005 it was 81.6% but as the tertiary sector started to increase the primary sector started to decrease. In 1993 the percentage of people working in the primary sector was 2.2% and as the years started to go pass in 1998 it went down to 2.0%, in 2000 it went down ages and was 1.7% and in 2003 it was 1.4%. In 2005 the figure which was in 2003 didn’t change and stayed the same which was 1.4%. This showed how more people started to work in tertiary sector then primary. On the other hand secondary business was 24.0% in 1993 but after 1993 the figures started to decrease in 1998 when the figure went down to 23.0% then in 2000 the figure went down again and went to 21.8%