Both novels can also be labeled fairy tales because both stories incorporate mystical characters. Rumplestiltskin, from which the book gets its name, is the mystical character who spins straw into gold. In Stardust, several characters possessed magical powers. As well, the witches could put spells on the other characters and Yvaine never grows old. It is the interaction between mortals, mystical characters, and their peers which provides the reason for the label fairy tale.
Another component often found in a fairy tale novel is a presence of a beautiful girl, princess, or maiden. In both books a beautiful girl is one of the most important characters in the story. In Rumplestiltskin a little man came to visit a beautiful girl for three nights in a row. He would spin straw into gold at night and leave early in the morning. In the book Stardust there was not one but several beautiful girls who were very prominent characters. Bridget Comfrey, the mother of Victoria Forester, was considered the most beautiful pot-girl in memory. Her daughter Victoria Forester was considered by Tristran Thorn to be the most the beautiful girl in the entire world. It is because of his desire to have Victoria that Tristran promised to find and retrieve a fallen star and return it to her. Una, with elegant curves, deep violet eyes, and long curly black hair, was another elegant female character found within the book. The most important star in the book was Yvaine. She had sky-blue eyes and hair so fair it was