Monday October 1, 2012
Compare / Contrast Essay
The differences and similarities between Ramayana and Gilgamesh are very noticeable. In my opinion Ramayana and Gilgamesh are like water and wine. While they both fight battles and they are both important people in their home lands, they have totally different ways of going about life and totally different views on their power as king. “To bad as well as good, to all, A generous man compassion shows; On earth no mortal lives, he knows, Who does not oft through weakness fall.”- Ramayana. This quote to me means that all men are equal, one must show compassion towards all things because no matter what journey we take we all come to the same end. Like Gilgamesh, Ramayana was also born into a very wealthy family and destined to become king of his empire. However, unlike Gilgamesh, Ramayana was a very noble and kind hearted ruler. Ramayana was respected and loved by his people who all knew he would one day make a great king. Gilgamesh on the other hand was already king and abused his power. Instead of being a great ruler and looking out for his people, he only thought of himself. Gilgamesh made his people work very hard, and to be even worse he raped the brides on their wedding nights. “I have peered over the city wall, I have seen the corpses floating in the river’s water. So too it will come to pass for me, so it will happen to me… Since no man can avoid life’s end, I would enter the mountain land and set up my name.” – Gilgamesh This quote I think best describes Gilgamesh and shows just how selfish and arrogant he is. He sees the pain and sorrow of his people and realizes that no one escapes death but instead of trying to help them out he tries to figure out a way to become immortal. Gilgamesh and Ramayana both go through battles that show their strengths. However, Gilgamesh goes searching for his battles and Ramayana’s battles are brought upon him. After being banished from his kingdom Ramayana goes to