In 1898 when the United States was expanding from Hawaii to the Philippines ideas of Manifest Destiny come to mind. This neo-imperialism was not a fundamental departure from America's tradition. Because Americans believed that moving westward was important for economic forces, political forces, and Darwin ideas it was not a simple extension of "westward" migration that also departed from America's tradition. In America's first move to move westward, the United States
questioned whether or not to take Hawaii. Since imperialism is the establishment of political and economic domination, imperialism was a main cause for the United States eventually annexing Hawaii. Americans gradually came to regard the Hawaiian Islands as a virtual extension of their own coast. In 1842, Secretary of State Daniel Webster sent a letter to Hawaiian agents in Washington affirming U.S. interests in Hawaii and opposing annexation by any other nation. He also proposed to Great Britain and France that no nation should seek special privileges or engage in further colonization of the islands. In 1849, the United States and Hawaii concluded a treaty of friendship that served as the basis of official relations between the parties. A key provisioning spot for American whaling ships, fertile ground for American protestant missionaries, and a new source of sugar cane production, Hawaii's economy became increasingly integrated with the United States. An 1875 trade reciprocity treaty further linked the two countries and U.S. sugar plantation owners from the United States came to dominate the economy and politics of the islands. When Queen Liliuokalani moved to establish a stronger monarchy, Americans under the leadership of Samuel Dole deposed her in 1893 Sugar cultivation, which was high in Hawaii, was immensely profitable. The McKinley Tariff of 1890 was passed and what it did was try to protect the home countries goods. Goods bought overseas were taxed heavy and thus expensive. Americans soon concluded that the best way to get around the tariff was to annex Hawaii to the United States. Alternatively, imperialism was also a continuation of westward migration, "Manifest Destiny". With the West of the Northern American continent won, people now looked else where to expand. This was now the Pacific. Expansionists and imperialists who like the United States wanted to expand into a world power needed economic and political forces to drive them to be on the top. As an excuse these supporters of "new imperialism" used Social Darwinism, which stated that the strongest nations would survive, and that fierce competition was natural and necessary. Survival of the fittest is necessary. With the Philippines now at hand taciturn George Dewey now became a national hero. Dewey carried out orders on May 1, 1898 when he sailed with six ships to defeat a fleet at the Harbor of Manila. Economically Americans viewed Philippines as an economic opportunity. The harbor city of Manila could ultimately become a Hong Kong like city. American imperialists, though, wanted colonies that would serve to keep foreign markets accessible and open, not colonies that would be the markets themselves. The Philippines were important not only for a population of 7 million, but because the island provided room for a naval base from which the US could protect its business interests in Japan and China. Furthermore, because imperialism was the main role in the actions taken, it is unlikely that the United State's actions in the lae 19th century were just for Manifest Destiny. The building of a world power was at stake and the United States needed all it could get to get closer to its empire.