
Comparing And Contrasting Reagan's Southern Strategy

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Comparing And Contrasting Reagan's Southern Strategy
Reagan had a great charisma about him and knew how to use this to get what he wanted and needed to transform this country. First, he had to win the southerners trust continuing to slowly switch them over from Democratic to Republicans. This transition had already been started when the south who were hardcore democratic, got upset with the Democratic stance behind and the creating of so many civil right movements (Schultz, 2014). Reagan, from CA, compared his home state to that of the southern states, using this to his advantage to win over the Southern leaders. In his comparisons, the south and CA was referred to the Sunbelt. This has become known as the Reagans Southern Strategy and it was a strategy that worked well for him. Reagan stuck to his heritage, his religious beliefs, and his traditional values; all of which is a southern trait. …show more content…
He passed three key economic policies to the good of the country right away, which are known as the Reagan Revolution. He cut taxes 25% plus over a few years. This was to increase federal revenue by producing new investments. These revenues should have in turn end up being more jobs for the lower classes; thus, being known as the supply-side economics. Next, he made cuts in welfare, unemployment compensation, and food stamps. He did not cut out aid for the elderly such as Social Security and Medicare. Last, he did a huge increase in military spending over the next 5 years and measuring up to more than a trillion dollars. This last move with the tax cuts combined cost the government more in the long run with larger debt (Krugman,

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