In the movie I Am Legend, the companion was a dog named Samantha, called Sam for short. Sam provided a source of companionship for Robert when he faced an apocalyptic world that can be deemed unbearable by most. What made it bearable was the way that Samantha loved Robert unconditionally. The unconditional love extended to the point that she gave her life to protect the man who treated her like she was a part of the family. While she also provided a sense of companionship to Robert, she also provoked a sense of familiarity with the audience. Often animals in movies can bring up feelings of love, comfort, and joy. ”Loneliness is never more cruel than when it is felt in close propinquity with …show more content…
The companions usually are not related to The doctor, and often they are choose to become his companion after meeting him. Even if they are not family, the companions and The Doctor inspire each other to do well in situations that could morally break a person. “Families and friends are the compass that guide us and inspire us to get through thick and thin. They inspire us to reach greater heights than we imagined, and they comfort us when we occasionally falter’’ [Henry.] Not only can family inspire someone to do better, so can friends. Both friends and family can help one get through a tough situation, especially ones that both The Doctor and Robert go through