
Comparing Jack And Ralph In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

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In a nuclear war, a plane evacuating a group of boys from Britain is shot down over a deserted island. The only people who survived had been a group of boys with the main character Ralph. The group gathers and start to remember what happened. After a while Ralph notices the difference in Personalities and that there where many opinion differences.

Ralph says he's afraid "of us”, he was right to be afraid. When groups of people are surviving, the greatest enemy will not be the bad environment, starvation, or dehydration, but the other survivors standing around them on the deserted island.

Ralph noticed that the choir boys leader named Jack stood out, he was aggressive and wild. Both boys begin with a certain admiration for each other but their
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Many of these conflicts are because of power and opinions. Ralph was selected as the leader of the group of boys, which Jack is jealous about because he wants to lead the group. Throughout the book Jack doesn't really like Ralph as a leader, such as when he ignored his rule of letting the fire go out.

Jack once again did not listen to Ralph's rule, in which whoever has the conch may speak and nobody can speak over them. This happened when Piggy had the conch and was speaking about the beast and Jack stops listening and starts talking loudly without any hesitation. Eventually Ralph got fed up about jack always disobeying the conch rule and confronted him by telling him to sit down and be silent. This shows that Ralph won the dispute because Jack was in shock about the response to how he was disobeying the conch rules.

From first of on Ralph is appointed leader by the boys. Later Jack becomes more savage. He desires to be the hunter and kills a pig. As he exerts his power through his ability to hunt and kill, the other boys are joining his tribe. The boys joined the tribe because he maintains his power through his very strong presence at the meetings.

Jack and Ralph have had many conflicts, but who has right to speak?
Ralph is a wise kid with a good view about what needs to

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