In a matter of moments, wind, strong and powerful, can destroy all things beautiful. Scarlett can be seen as the wind. Scarlett’s life was normal and her only duty was to marry into a good family. But just like wind, Scarlett was strong, unexpected, and she did not care what was in her way. Scarlett O’Hara tore down everything beautiful in her life. Scarlett took everything and everyone close to her and destroyed them one moment at a time and much like wind, when it was all said and done and settled, there was a calm and it was terrifying. Much like wind in a storm, when all becomes calm, many know that something more furious and disastrous is headed their way and for the first time in Scarlett’s life, she was calm and therefore she would bring disaster. Scarlett truly was gone with the
In a matter of moments, wind, strong and powerful, can destroy all things beautiful. Scarlett can be seen as the wind. Scarlett’s life was normal and her only duty was to marry into a good family. But just like wind, Scarlett was strong, unexpected, and she did not care what was in her way. Scarlett O’Hara tore down everything beautiful in her life. Scarlett took everything and everyone close to her and destroyed them one moment at a time and much like wind, when it was all said and done and settled, there was a calm and it was terrifying. Much like wind in a storm, when all becomes calm, many know that something more furious and disastrous is headed their way and for the first time in Scarlett’s life, she was calm and therefore she would bring disaster. Scarlett truly was gone with the