To start, the first scene in the rumble is when the Socs come to the rumbling in cars and start to line up. The first comparable scene is when (The socs arrive at the Rumble. They are all pulling up in cars to fight the greasers. Two sentences that might describe the similarities between the book and the movie would be that all the Socs pulled up in cars to meet the greasers. You saw all the greasers, Tim Shepard, and the brumley boys all lined up ready to fight. Two differences between the book and the movie could be that in the book they said four cars but in the movie they had five. In the book, it never said anything about the weather but in the movie it had it rain at the rumble. The book was …show more content…
more effective during this scene because it described the beginning scene a lot, like it described all of Ponyboy’s feelings and how the beginning of the rumble looked like.
In addition to “The socs coming to the rumble”, “The socs and greasers line up to fight each other” was comparable in the book and movie versions of The Outsiders.
The second comparable scene is when the Socs and Greasers line up to fight each other. They are smack-talking back and forth with each other. Two similarities between the book and the movie could be the sound of the greasers and socs talking back and forth, and it both showed or described how the greasers and socs were lining up. Two differences between the book and the movie could be instead of Paul swinging at Darry, some random Soc swung at Ponyboy, and the empty lot looked different than what I had imagined when the book described it.The book was more effective during this scene because It gave more detail about how the lot looked like and it described the feeling better than the movie
While the book and movie have many similarities and differences, the book was more effective in telling the story. The book was way better than the movie because the book describes most of the scenes better than how the movie had showed it. I really liked how the book had told you about the lot in detail. I liked the book a lot more mostly because when something happened, the book described it a lot better.