
Comparing Mill And Kant's Deontological Ethics

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Comparing Mill And Kant's Deontological Ethics
Throughout life we are often faced with difficult decisions—decisions which have long lasting, differing outcomes, that we cannot hope to calculate when considering the future. Utilitarianism is “actions [that] are morally permissible if and only if they produce at least as much net happiness as any other available action” ("Ethics.”). This is the type of situation we are given discussing Rescue I and II. How does one pick over the other? How does death bring any happiness? Although these others are not discussing just happiness, but more of what is the best chance to save the most. Recently, we have discussed two philosophers’—Mill and Kant—both of whom have very different views on utilitarianism. Throughout their works, we have been able …show more content…
Kant’s first assumption is that human beings are the only beings capable of rationality and therefore Kant believed it imperative to protect this rationality and ability to be rational in all human beings. If we took this away we would take away our ability to be humans and if we were not humans we could not make these important choices. Only humans can figure out what is best for all of humanity and only we can therefore discern how to preserve the needs of other humans because of our logical thought processes. In regards to the maxim within deontological ethics, a maxim is a thought process derived from rationality described within Kant’s deontological ethics. The process begins with the action, next the situation in which the action is to be completed, and finally the outcome achieved by the action. From Kant’s ideas it can be implied that he would tell the rescuers to go for the greatest good of saving more people rather than less because that is the most rational thing to do as a human, to save the most. This would create the most desirable outcome, because it is the most rational (Dpadvertisingco). When examining the two philosophers there will be flaws in the ideas, as any would. In examining Mill’s the main criticism I have towards his work is the idea of receiving pleasure by others. Although it is not a negative thing, I do believe we receive pleasure from ourselves just as much as giving pleasure to others. I do not critique helping others, but I do see it as our greatest means of pleasure at Mills believes-- “all actions should be directed toward achieving the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people”

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