There is no real election process for the executive branch of North Korea, just as there are no elections in the government of Oceania (“North Korea”). The judiciary branch of North Korea is practically irrelevant, with no real power once the government decides someone is guilty; this is comparable to how the Party is ran, where everyone they arrest is already guilty (“North Korea”). The final branch of government, the legislative branch, passes every law that the government of North Korea sends it, while in Oceania everything the Party says is law without question. The governments of North Korea and Oceania are very similar when considering the three branches of government. The living situation in North Korea makes the novel 1984 extremely relevant in today’s time. The way the government controls how you view things is the same for both nations. The two governments also have the way their branches are run in common. This just goes to show how lucky we are to live in the United States, and how the world in 1984 is possible if we are not
There is no real election process for the executive branch of North Korea, just as there are no elections in the government of Oceania (“North Korea”). The judiciary branch of North Korea is practically irrelevant, with no real power once the government decides someone is guilty; this is comparable to how the Party is ran, where everyone they arrest is already guilty (“North Korea”). The final branch of government, the legislative branch, passes every law that the government of North Korea sends it, while in Oceania everything the Party says is law without question. The governments of North Korea and Oceania are very similar when considering the three branches of government. The living situation in North Korea makes the novel 1984 extremely relevant in today’s time. The way the government controls how you view things is the same for both nations. The two governments also have the way their branches are run in common. This just goes to show how lucky we are to live in the United States, and how the world in 1984 is possible if we are not