People think the philosopher is nuts sometimes and some even become hostile (Socrates himself experienced this). I like the allegory of the cave because I think it captures the truth of Christianity in some ways. The world tells us that there is no God, that all there is, is the material. People tell us all the time in both words and acts that "what you see is what you get" and "when you die there is nothing so live for this life". But the truth of Christianity is that those are all shadows. We are being blinded by the god of this world to think that the material is all there is. If we were only able to break free from the chains that bind our minds we might see the
People think the philosopher is nuts sometimes and some even become hostile (Socrates himself experienced this). I like the allegory of the cave because I think it captures the truth of Christianity in some ways. The world tells us that there is no God, that all there is, is the material. People tell us all the time in both words and acts that "what you see is what you get" and "when you die there is nothing so live for this life". But the truth of Christianity is that those are all shadows. We are being blinded by the god of this world to think that the material is all there is. If we were only able to break free from the chains that bind our minds we might see the