Education was never the big deal at my house. While growing up, there were so many things to worry about that reading never took it's important part. I grew up in a place where money was the thing to worry about. I always liked reading, even though it was never a priority in my house. My parents never persuasive me to read, but I think it’s was because of their missed education. I don’t blame them because they were just working hard to feed me. They always said that home is where they teach manners, for reading and writing there is school. When I came to the United States, that’s …show more content…
In school I was always the unintelligent one. People just label me because I was shy and quiet. Mostly when I came to the United States and I was learning English. It was expected for me to be stupid. Sherman felt the same way at some point of his life because he of where he came from. Sherman states, “We were Indian children who were expected to be stupid. Most lived up to those expectations inside the classroom…”(111). People like to label each other because of their race, appearance, and behavior. Classmates judge each other without knowing the capacity of the other person. In my case I learned to read English within 8 months but, no one knew because I was labeled as the one that never knew