On New Years we go to the exact house we always go on Thanksgiving and we wait again till the clock hits 12 but before that we prepare ourselves.
I would hand each person a cup with 12 grapes and apple cider because it´s a tradition we always do or what I tend to keep since I´m basically the only one who believes in it. We eat the same food and when its New Years we then eat our grapes, say our wishes and we hug each other and say,¨Feliz Anos Nuevo¨ and our parents would say ¨Te amo.¨ Later after all the hugging, we do what we were doing and hang out with our cousins because it´s only in special occasions when they come. It´s also a tradition to celebrate Los Tres Reyes Magos. I don´t know much about it but what I do know is that it involved three men bringing goods to Jesus when he was just born that was food, gold, and something else. We would buy this beautiful, long bread that looks like an oval ring and inside has some dolls. My family and I would each get our half and we wait till someone ends up with a plastic white doll because when someone has a doll they have to do something for the family like make food on the next
gathering. It was a tradition for us to do this at my aunts house with everyone but after years doing the exact thing we decided to change it up a bit and each do it at our own home. I both hate and like that we changed it up because all we do is eat the bread and go home but what I miss is having to celebrate it with many of my family. I like the idea of being with the family in little and big celebrations or traditions and when we don´t I feel that later we would celebrate the other traditions separately.