How does George William feel about leaving home? Well, let’s put it this way, he doesn’t really care about being home. George wants to chase his dreams and do things that he loves. When George was a little boy he was curious and adventurous. He wanted to get out of the house and explore the world and all of its beautiful sights.
In Up the Cooly, Howard has been away from his hometown for a drastic amount of time. He
was ready to be home with his mother and all his family members. Howard feels happy to be home. He has been waiting for too long. When he finally makes it home he notices that there is a load of work to be done at home. He doesn’t mind the work, so he goes ahead and gets it out of the way. Howard is glad to be home and smell that wonderful air of his hometown.
Both of these stories talk about a guy leaving home or coming back home and they both explain the feelings of the characters and how they feel about being away from home and coming back home. George has dreams of his own and wants to chase them, while Howard has been waiting to come home and be with his family. He notices he has to chores when he makes it home, but doesn’t mind.