
Comparing The Epistle Of Paul And Timothy To The Philippian

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Comparing The Epistle Of Paul And Timothy To The Philippian
The Epistle of Paul and Timothy to the Philippians, often referred to simply as Philippians is a cumulation of two or more letter written by none other than Paul of Tarsus. To understand what was the motive of Paul writing these letter to the city of Philippi. Well, in the early 50’s Paul founded a church in Philippi with the goal of spreading the Gospel of Christ to all. Unforuntionally, in the 60’s Paul was thrown into prison for preaching the Gospel of Christ. In prison Paul would receive monetary gifts from the Philippians through their emissary, Epaphroditus. This is why in chapters three and four of the Philippians, Paul expresses gratitude for financial support while in jail and warns the people of Philippi to watch out for false teaching

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