Which is also the basic element to all Christians, for man cannot do business with God until man is willing to approach the situation properly. Although the epistle is directed more so to the Gentiles, it can still be relevant to contemporary society. There is no distinction between man in the way of faith, because God’s salvation is for everyone. Paul develops this element of God’s righteousness throughout the epistle to the Romans. (Tenney 1985, 305).
Paul uses Romans to teach about what faith truly is, and he does this in a way that is unlike any other book in the New Testament. Each word Paul wrote is of the truth and brings understanding of what God did and still continues to do in and through Jesus Christ. Paul in Romans explains that God created man to have fellowship with Him, but sin had ruined this fellowship between God and man, causing there to be a separation, a rift of some sorts. So he goes onto further explain that God set out to fix this rift between God and man, by sending Christ to make things right. Allowing for Romans to be message that would not only pertain to the Gentiles, but for every generation