Firstly, in the novel, “The Kite Runner”, the main protagonist Amir risks his friendship with Hassan to aid his deteriorating relationship with his father.
In the text, it states, “Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay to win Baba. Was it a fair price?” (Hosseini,82). Amir says this when he witnesses Hassan getting raped and is left with two choices; to stand up for Hassan or to run and win Baba’s affections. He see’s the kite and ultimately decides to abandon his friend to rebuild his broken father son relationship. In the end, Amir succeeds in winning over Baba by bringing home the winning kite. Therefore, this statement demonstrates the heroic sacrificial quality that Amir possesses because he was willing to sacrifice his friendship for his
father. On the other hand, in Shakespeare’s “King Lear”, central character King Lear does not bear this sacrificial quality, instead he’s willing to spare anything for the benefit of himself. In the text, King Lear states:
I do invest you jointly with my power, preeminence, and all the large effects that troop with majesty. Ourself, by monthly course, with reservation of an hundred knights by you to be sustained, shall our abode make with you by due turn. Only we shall retain the name, and all th’ additions to a king. The sway, revenue, execution of the rest, beloved sons, be yours...(King Lear,1.1.132-139). In the passage, King Lear grants his daughters Goneril and Regan all the power that kingship brings. In addition to this, King Lear had so much dignity that he chose to keep his title as king but left the authority to his daughters. As a result, in the play, the two sister’s essentially abused this power by trying to rid themselves of their father by initiating chaos. This demonstrates how King Lear is selfish because he sacrificed his kingdom to keep his label as king, thus proving that he does not have the fundamental sacrificial quality that makes an excellent hero. Finally, in “The Kite Runner”, Amir jeopardizes his life to save Hassan’s son Sohrab from the cruelty that he was facing in Afghanistan. In the novel, Assef states, “Of course...I didn’t say you could take him for free” (Hosseini,300). Assef, the main antagonist, says this to Amir when he attempts to leave with Sohrab. Amir is brutally beaten by Assef who was looking to end the unfinished business they had when they were children. As Amir takes the beating from Assef, Sohrab shoots him with the slingshot and they eventually escape. This justifies how Amir was willing to put his life on the line in order to save Sohrab, thus showing that Amir has the necessary sacrificial trait that makes a good hero. In summary, individuals who are amenable to self-sacrifice is what makes a great hero. In the novel, “The Kite Runner” the sacrificial trait that Amir possesses is evidently seen throughout the story in contrast to King Lear who is a tragic hero but never beared the self-sacrificial quality. The quote stated by Hercules shows that a hero doesn’t have to be physically strong to fulfill the definition of a hero, but it’s the sacrifice within the heart that truly makes them a hero.