While on their journey the Poet runs into Francesca, who he knew during life, and she tells her story of lust and her adultery towards her husband’s brother. Because Francesca broke her vows and disobeyed her husband by having an affair with his brother committing the sin of lust damning them to hell for eternity after death. a couple that could be compared to them is Lancelot and Guinevere which is actually the reason why they had their affair in the first place, to be like them. While exampling the circle of Lust Bleiberg states that “Francesca explains to Dante that what first sexually attracted them, impelling them to commit adultery, was their shared reading of a romance about the adultery of the Arthurian characters Lancelot and Guinevere” (Bleiberg 188). Sinning is disobeying God and by mimicking one of the first couple to commit adultery makes their actions even worse because not only did the have an affair, but it is because a story compelled them to commit the deed. From themes and motifs, now continuing on to
While on their journey the Poet runs into Francesca, who he knew during life, and she tells her story of lust and her adultery towards her husband’s brother. Because Francesca broke her vows and disobeyed her husband by having an affair with his brother committing the sin of lust damning them to hell for eternity after death. a couple that could be compared to them is Lancelot and Guinevere which is actually the reason why they had their affair in the first place, to be like them. While exampling the circle of Lust Bleiberg states that “Francesca explains to Dante that what first sexually attracted them, impelling them to commit adultery, was their shared reading of a romance about the adultery of the Arthurian characters Lancelot and Guinevere” (Bleiberg 188). Sinning is disobeying God and by mimicking one of the first couple to commit adultery makes their actions even worse because not only did the have an affair, but it is because a story compelled them to commit the deed. From themes and motifs, now continuing on to