The skeletal system has many organs. Some organs include bones, cartilage, and ligaments. Teeth are also considered a part of the skeletal system but don’t confuse them for bones. Here are three of the organs and their functions. The cranium is one of two parts of the skull. The other is the mandible which is the lower jaw. The cranium gives structural support to the face and provides a protective …show more content…
The position of a bone will help the body keep a shape. Some of the other functions include giving a surface for muscles to pull on the bones creating movement, producing blood cells, storing minerals like calcium, and lastly it provides protection to inner organs. The main function of the muscular system is to produce movement. The muscles pull on the bones by contracting and relaxing. They hold bones together so that the body can maintain posture. The movement of muscles will also bring blood to all cells in the body (heart) and the movement helps create …show more content…
The first and biggest example would be for movement. The bones provide a structure that the muscles can attach to and move. The tendons, organs of the muscular system, hold the bones together at joints. The muscles contract and relax to pull on bones to produce movement. When the muscles move the bones it puts them into a certain position. The muscles hold the bones in place which help the body maintain any posture. When standing, muscles hold the bones in the necessary position. Likewise, when sitting down the bones that were in one position are now in another and muscles are keeping a steady posture. When an injury occurs this could harm both of the systems. If a bone was to break, it could hurt the muscle or make movement difficult or perhaps impossible. If a muscle is strained this could interfere with movement in the affected area. One last example is how these systems help blood flow. The skeletal produces blood cells that the muscular system then pumps to all cells. This shows how closely these two systems are linked and how key they are to each others existence and to the body's. Without muscles, a body wouldn’t move or stay together. Without bones, muscles would have nothing to attach to create movement and organs would have no protection.
The body structure wouldn’t serve a purpose without the muscular and skeletal systems. Organs from the skeletal and the muscular make up these systems so they can function to