In Surah 29 verse 46, the Quran commands Muslim to say the Christians: We believe in what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to you. Our God and your god is one and to him, we submit.
Yet many Muslims say something very different to Christians. They say we don’t believe in your book because it's been corrupted and your god is a false god. If Muslims are commanded to say that they believe in what has been revealed to us why do they instead say that they don’t believe in the bible, the only revelation we have? And if they are commanded to say that our god and their god is one, why do they instead say that our god is a false god?
According to the bible, god is a trinity. One in nature …show more content…
Muslim have to reject the bible because the bible contradicts the Quran. But Muslims have a problem here. The Quran declares that the Torah and the gospel were revealed by Allah. Surah 3, verses 3-4: He has revealed to you the book with truth verifying that which is before it and he revealed the Torah and the gospel aforetime a guidance for the people and he sent the Quran.
So Allah revealed the Torah and the gospel as a guidance but our Muslim friends tell us that Allah couldn't protect the Torah and the gospel and both revelations were corrupted by men. What Allah sent to guide people ended up misguiding people convincing Christians that god is a trinity and the Jesus died on the cross for sins. Of course, we should be puzzled when Muslims tell us that the Torah and gospel were changed. Because the Quran states …show more content…
Why does Allah command us to judge by a corrupt book? The only gospel we have contradicts Islam. So in order to obey Allah's command, we would have to judge by the gospel. We conclude that Islam is false. Allah continues along these saying lines in Surah 5 verse 68: say o people of the book you have no ground to stand upon unless you stand fast by the Torah, the gospel, and all the revelations that it come to you from your lord. Why would Allah tell us that we have to ground to stand upon unless we stand upon a corrupt book? If the gospel has been corrupted, then the Allah just says get rid of it and believe in the Quran? So the Quran clearly maintains that the gospel is authoritative for Christians and this only makes sense if the author of the Quran believed that Christians have the word of god. If the gospel is just authoritative for Christians, it was also authoritative for Mohammad himself and therefore for Muslims. One day Mohammad started having doubts about his revelations. In response to these doubts, Allah commanded Mohammad to go to the people of the book Jews and Christians for confirmation. Surah 10 verse 94: but if you o Mohammad are in doubt as to