Through the development and drafting of the constitution, two political parties were born. One labeled as strict constructionists, the Jeffersonian Republicans, and the other labeled as broad constructionists, the Federalists. The Democratic-Republicans such as Thomas Jefferson, were first labeled as anti-federalists and believed the states should have the most power in the government and most vowed not to sign the constitution without the addition of a Bill of Rights. They believed that if a power was not specifically stated in the constitution, then it could not be acted upon. The Federalists such as Alexander Hamilton, believed that they could exercise whichever powers on the basis that, even if a power was not physically stated, it could be interpreted from the specified powers. During the presidencies of Washington and Adams these characterizations of the two parties remained evident, but during the presidencies of Republicans, such as Jefferson and Madison, the line between strict and broad constructionism became a little more unclear. After the election of 1800 both the Federalist and Democratic-Republican party began to back down on their views of constructionism when faced with the task of deciding what would benefit the nation most.…