
Comparing Wordsworth And Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey

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Comparing Wordsworth And Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey
The famous poets, William Wordsworth and Percy Shelley, brought uncommon perspectives about nature to the Romantic Era during the late 1700s to the early 1800s. The two poets mocked each other for their extraordinary opinions on nature through their poetry. Shelley’s violent, inhuman perspective on nature differs from Wordsworth’s deist ideals. Wordsworth believes that humanity can be one with nature, while Shelley believes that nature is inhumane and is uncertain that humanity can be one with nature. The poem Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey (Tintern Abbey) written by Wordsworth explains his adventure while walking down a river with his sister for several days. Throughout the poem Wordsworth clearly explains his beliefs about the beauty of nature and that all needed knowledge can be found in nature. Wordsworth also describes nature as being as God intended and should be seen as the image of God, and in order to become close to God humanity must commune with nature and learn about nature. On the other hand, Shelley’s …show more content…
Wordsworth is a deist meaning nature is what God intended it to be, and should be a place of solitude. On the other hand, Shelley is an atheist and believes that nature is inhuman and unwelcoming. Shelley writes in his poem Mount Blanc, “Where that or thou art no unbidden guest” meaning that Mount Blanc is not a welcoming place for humanity. The cold, eerie impression the mountain demonstrates gives Shelley a reason to believe that Mount Blanc is not a place for humanity. Wordsworth’s view on the spontaneous world is contradictory from Shelley’s because he believes that God does not intervene in the universe and nature is the image of God. In order to become close to God a person needs to spend time in nature and learn about God through nature. Both poets include their religious perspectives in every poem they

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