Pre-higher education
Today's education system in Russia is federal and centralized. Currently, it consists of, pre-school education, primary education, secondary education of 5 years, full secondary education and higher education. Formal education is from the age of 7 till 18. The duration of the school year is 34 weeks. Students are trained 5 to 6 days a week. In Russia, many types of secondary schools exist, such as common schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, etc., and they teach variety of different educational programs. In Russia, as in the UK, private and public schools are differentiated. Basic education lasts for 9 years (9 classes). It is completed by successfully passing the "GIA" exam (State Final Attestation). After finishing 9 classes students are thought to have acquired incomplete secondary education. At the end of the 11th class students pass the "RSE" exam (Russian State Exam) and successful pass completed their secondary education. Students normally go to university from the age of 18 to do their academic degree.
A modern system of education in UK consists of early childhood education, primary education, secondary education and higher education. Across the country a free public education for all children between the ages of 5 to 16 years exists. The duration of the academic year at schools is 38 weeks. The year is divided into