Although it is a popular story based around love it isn't all what it seems. Romeo and Juliet is more of a story of lust Romeo is about 18 and Juliet is about 13 years old and they both met at a party. Juliet was trying to escape the arranged marriage to Paris and Romeo was heartbroken from Rosaline when they ran into each other. They kissed before they even knew each others names and wanted to get married two hours after. In the play, both Romeo and Juliet confess their “love” for each other but it is heavily based on their looks and attractions. Romeo even talks about how virginity makes Juliet less attractive and that only fools keep their virginity. (Act 2 Scene 2) “Her vestal livery is but sick and green, And none but fools do wear it. Cast it off!” This is very lustful as he is professing that he wants to take …show more content…
The first image conveys an idea of love as they are both clearly in love and not taking interest in anything sexual. Rather they are kissing as a show of love and are both happy to just spend time together no matter where it is. They are standing in the rain and in no hurry to leave but are hugging in a tight grasp to show that they will always be with each other. I have used a soft font and the colour red in the text to show the passion and love that is shared between them.
On the other hand, the image I have used for a representation of lust is a women lying half naked on a man without a shirt while kissing. This is a very dry and less compassionate show of affection as they are obviously going to engage in a sexual act. I have used a white font to show the heartlessness of just getting together to have sex. There is no love for each other in this image rather a love for each other’s