
Comparison of Apple and Black Berry

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Comparison of Apple and Black Berry
This project is one of the most important piece of work for my whole educational carrier, while doing this Project I have been gone through various Phases, I was having a mix feelings of depression, motivation, Hope, fear, and the hope for better future. Writing of this thesis could never have been possible without the continuous support and the motivation of my parents and siblings. By taking this opportunity I would like to thank my tutors who always guided me in the right direction and because of them I have finished this thesis.
At the end, I just want to thank all of my friends who always motivated me whenever I was depressed and felt low, just because of them I could have gather enough courage and the will power to finish this longest ever thesis of my life

Competitiveness at the global level is one of the most interesting and important topic in today’s business world, competitiveness is the key to overcome global economic recession and to prove this statement, competitive strategies of apple and black berry have been analyzed. With the critical analysis of the competitive analysis of both apple and black berry it has become evident that both the companies are at the path of continues growth trajectory, and with their innovation and creativity these two companies are still performing outstandingly well. Global economic recession has a strong connection with the competitiveness among international firms, like with the intense competition companies always tried to innovate and keen to introduce new and advanced products in the market, which brings the business in the market. As the sales of these organizations increases, it brings money circulation within the market which somehow plays crucial role in reducing global economic recession period. It have been noted that both of these apple and black berry have been involved in continues R&D technique , in this way they will be more capable to capture the whole market and

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