Fresh Direct/, this company is located in the New York City metropolitan area.
Background History FreshDirect is an online grocery store that that provides shopping experiences and services to the vicinity population around the metropolitan area of New York (Dess, Lumpkin, Eisner, & McNamara, 2012, p. C125). Jason Ackerman and Joseph Fedele cofounded FreshDirect in 2001. FreshDirect serves thousands of customers around the New York area, and in 2010 it brought an approximate profit of over $250 million, demonstrating a surge of $20 million from the previous year (Dess et al., 2012, p. C126). The primary objective and goal of Fresh Direct was to acquire a minimum of 5% of the grocery markets in New York; unfortunately, the goal was no fulfilled until 2011. However, this success came after lengthening their services beyond their metropolitan area to beyond other states and New York’s greater parts (Dess et al., 2012, p. C126). The year of 2007 the company faced great drawbacks facing unions from employees who demanded better wages, later because of a terrorizing immigration inspection it led to resignations; thus, leaving a small workforce. Nevertheless, despite the complicating encounters FreshDirect was clever enough to advance and create their 4 minute meal line which helped stimulate their sales (Dess et al., 2012, p. C125).
SWOT Analysis
|Internal Strengths |Internal Weaknesses |
|Costs, is definitely one of their strong strengths, they cut out the |Employee contact based on unionization controversy, high charge of |
|middlemen and go directly to the supplying foundation, which are the |manufacture and quality values |
|local farms near the New York metropolitan area. |Firm is still only located around the New York metropolitan area,
References: Dess, Gregory G., Lumpkin G., Eisner A., & McNamara G. (2012). Strategic Management. (6e). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Fresh Direct. (2013). Retrieved from