The two stories are written in different centuries. A tale of two cities was written in the 19th century, and Atonement was written in the 21st. The english language develops and all the time, and in 200 years it changes quite a bit. That is one of the reasons to why the older text is severely harder to understand. When you are not a native english speaker it is difficult to understand older, more formal language and vocabulary since it is not something you are exposed to on a regular basis, neither in school nor when consuming media. The vocabulary in Atonement is definitely easier to understand. It is written in first person and you can read the story without having to stop too much. It describes the situation as it is. On the contrary, in A tale of two cities you constantly have to stop and think about …show more content…
The extract from Atonement is enacted at a hospital in London, England in the middle of world war two. There has been a big battle, which wounded soldiers are returning from. You are not told the exact year of the occurrence but you get certain clues, for example it is mentioned that army lorries are used for transporting the soldiers to the hospital, and those vehicles were put to use during world war two. The point of time in A tale of two cities is 1775, the troublesome era before the french revolution. The story takes place in England and France and the situation of the countries are explained in the first chapter of the book. In England the people are worried about religion, burglars and the Cock-lane ghost. In France, the people are dissatisfied and it is turning into a violent situation. Charles Dickens describes the situation with antonyms, it is the best of times, and the worst of times. There is light and dark, hope and