Compare how the poets use language to present their attitude towards particular place “the Blackbird of Glonmore” and “A Vision”
Both poems were written during the same period, during the twentieth century. Simon Hermitage presents a vision as a contrast between with a real life, a polluted world and a dream of an unrealistic giving a vision to the readers of a perfect world which cannot be realistic. In the same similarities, “The Blackbird of Glanmore”, Seamus Heany wants to share with us hiss sadness after his brother’ s death .
Although Armitage’s line to introduce his poem, he uses oxymoron “The future was a beautiful place” to emphasis his idea presented through the poem to show that it is already written in using an imperfect. In contrast with the opening line, the end is not excepted to be happy because he shows us that in spite of his future where nothing is inconsistent; the dream could never have come true because he realizes the harsh reality of the present which effect the rhythm, slower and less happy. However to introduce his poem “On the grass when I arrive”, Seamus reflect his open and his last line in reflecting the same idea and adds “In the ivy when I leave” to show the familiar action of the blackbird. In both poems, the arrangement of ideas and events are approaching by alliteration to create a sound effect with the same letter “b” and to give a nice pattern to the phrase “bottle bank” for “A Vision” and “I park, pause, take heed” for “The Blackbird of Glomnore”.
Simon suggests the irony “bottle blank”, the difference between what people except, was optimist by believing in the future and democratic and what actually happens effect the imagery . And in the same time a contrast with the today’ s life where we use landfill and unrealistic life where the