Professor Micah Parker
16 March 2013
Putting the Pieces Together
While recently putting a puzzle together with my family I realized that we had a very certain way of putting it together. We had the person who laid out all the pieces and was constantly looking for the ones that went together. Another person would carefully put pieces together that the first person had laid out and make sure there were no discrepancies. The last person would oversee everyone else. They would make sure pieces were going where they should be, and everyone would report back to the main person who was overseeing everything. If one was to look at any career or field they have trained in or worked in they would see that there is a hierarchy to each position. It is one person helping the next person to figure out one main objective or goal. The Careers of a Cytologist, Histologist, and Pathologist work very closely together; so closely it’s almost like they are putting a puzzle together, in such a way one can’t just do all of the jobs but there must be someone in each area of the field to complete the main objective.
Cytologists are the people working on the puzzle that lay the pieces out for the person in charge to oversee and direct them at what they should be looking for. They are “biologists who specialize in the study of formation, structure, and function of cells” (“cytology”). I like that fact that they have independent work with very little supervision. There is room for rapid job growth. A reported “14% job growth through 2018” (Tolia). I do not like that cytologist’s have major exposure to specimens and chemical fumes that can be very hazardous. There may be a rapid job growth projected for cytologists but only “thirty-one accredited cytotechnologist programs are available in the United States” (Tolia). Cytologists can work in many different health care facilities. They have the option of working in “hospitals, diagnostic
Cited: "cytology." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. 2003. Houghton Mifflin Company 18 Mar. 2013 "Cytologist." MedFriendly Tolia, Citlali. "Becoming a Cytologist: Job Description & Salary Information." Education Requirements. n. page. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. <>. Tolia, Citlali. "Becoming a Cytologist: Job Description & Salary Information." How to Stand Out in the Field. n. page. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. <>. Tolia, Citlali. "Essential Career Information." Becoming a Cytologist: Job Description & Salary Information. n. page. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. <>. Torres, Franco. "Duties of a Histologist." Becoming a Histologist: Careers, Salary Info & Job Description. n. page. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. <>. Wolfe, Michael. "The Average Salary of a Cytologist."Salary. n. page. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. <