In the study, it is included as one of the subscales of the professional quality of life. It refers to exhaustion, lack of motivation, or feeling of ineffectiveness that the nurses may feel within the workplace.
Compassion Fatigue. It is the emotional distress or apathy resulting from the constant demands of caring for others or from constant appeals from charities (Stamm, 2010).
In the study, it is included as one of the subscales of the professional quality of life. It refers to the negative aspect of helping patients who experience suffering and illnesses. …show more content…
Compassion Satisfaction.
It is about the pleasure you derive from being able to do work (Stamm, 2010).
In the study, it is included as one of the subscales of the professional quality of life. It refers to the pleasure a nurse can experience from being able to help their patients and make a positive difference in the world.
Empathy. Empathy refers to the consequences of perceiving the feeling state of another as well as the capacity to do so accurately (Spreng, 2009).
In the study, it refers to the intellectual, emotional awareness of the nurses and the understanding of their patient’s feelings and behavior.
Professional Quality of Life. It is the quality one feels in relation to their work as a helper. Both the positive and negative aspects of doing your work influence your professional quality of life (Proqol, 2009).
In the study, it has three subscales namely compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue and burnout. These are the negative and positive aspects of providing care to the