Competing Values Framework Executive Summary
Experts explain how complex things are, but not put very simply. Masters can explain the complex, simply. Leaders can be more like masters in the way that they can find ways to create values unexpectedly.
The goal of every enterprise, worker, and aspiring leader is value creation.
The traditional view of value creation was purely financial. The new view explores the “intangible” as well as the “tangible.”
The Competing Values Framework was established from studying highly effective organizations to create successful leadership, better effectiveness in organizations, and to stimulate value creation.
One of the key functions of The Competing Values Framework is finding out the underlying dimensions of organization that lies in human and organizational activity.
The essential framework is composed of two dimensions that express the “competing values” that lie within all organizations. These dimensions create four quadrants, which produce opposite or competing assumptions.
The Collaborate (yellow) quadrant is at the top left, the Create (green) quadrant on the top right, the Compete (blue) quadrant is at the bottom right, and the Control (red) quadrant is at the bottom left.
The dynamics dimension splits up value creation strategies on the foundation of speed and scope of action (velocity and magnitude).
Another supplemental dimension in The Competing Values Framework deals with the varying levels of analysis: An external (outside of the organization) outcomes level, an internal (inside the organization) organizational level, and the individual (personal leadership competencies, learning styles, skills and abilities, and attitudes) level.
Long term success is deterred by focusing on just one motivational technique, incentive system, or leadership approach.
Toyota effectively used The Competing Values Framework by focusing on both internal and external concerns, the future and the past, the short and