Competitive advantage exist when an organization acquires or develops a combination of attributes that allows it to outstrip its rivals. These properties can include access to natural resources, such as inexpensive power or high grade ores, or skilled personnel human resources and admission to highly developed. Competitive advantage can occur using new technologies such as robotics and information technology can provide, whether increase the percentage of the merchandise itself, as an advantage to the fashioning of the product, or as a competitive aid in the business process.
Tesco is the market leader in the grocery retail market. Tesco have reached this status by base on their competitive advantage to compete on grounds of pricing and distribution schemes. Tesco also sustains and maintain its competitive advantage through product portfolio expansion and strategic competitive pricing to get and hold its status.
The best reasons for the great competitive advantage of Tesco can be found from the way it reacted to the increase of the internet. The patient and dynamic approach enabled them to build and construct a sound long-term vision of what the internet meant for the core client of the company and to what kinds of actions that would take from the Tesco. As a consequence of the early launch, when the expectations towards the Internet based commercial enterprises began to develop, Tesco already been evolving the online help for a twosome of years.
Tesco is a purely online grocery retailer Ocado’s 10 year journey has been a noteworthy good story, as it has been able to exist in the very competitive online grocery market. It stays to be determined whether the Ocado way with only warehouses becomes the sustainable or the good way to operate in the online grocery market.
But, Tesco and its competitions are well matched to make a motion to that model should the enough demand pick up. After that happens, they are well equipped by using the