The first week of class a flowchart was created to show the process of my daily routine from getting up in the mornings to arriving to work. The purpose of creating the flowchart was to identify a more effective way to utilize time each day, also to identify potential reasons that may hinder the process and to maximize limited time that is available daily. The statistical process control plan is used to ensure that time management and operations will flow as effectively as possible with little waste. The process plan will breakdown the control limits of the daily routine process, and the effects of seasonal factors, including confidence intervals involved in this process.
The total operating time is from eight a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every day from start to finish having a more effective day and routine process to be more effective the need to manage time more effectively is very important. By adding more operating time in the mornings the old operating time for getting dress and heading out the door for work takes about 150 minutes therefore the operating time in the mornings needs to be increased. Increasing operating time in the morning by 20 minutes which, makes it 170 minutes operating time will prevent any bottlenecks form causing delays. The control limit is 150 minutes but there are various occurrences that may cause a delay with the standard daily process that includes too much time at home, unprepared and waking up late. When there are delays the routine process is off track causing the daily schedule also to take a different direction. By managing time, becoming more organize this will help the routine process become more effective. The only way to ensure that the routine process stays on track is by taking the appropriate steps to make sure the day goes smoothly this can be done by planning ahead or by adding more operating time in the morning.
Statistical Process Control
Data was collected for five weeks on how long it took to