March 12, 2013
University of Phoenix
Ethics and Compliance Paper Barnes and Noble is a Fortune 500 company and is the leader in the bookselling arena operating 1,341 storefronts, 636 operations on college campuses servicing over 4.6 million students and faculty, and operates one of the largest ecommerce sites on the World Wide Web. Barnes and Noble employs over 35,000 full and part time employees across the United States (, 2011). Barnes and Noble and Microsoft joined strategically to develop the digital platform known as NOOK, a digital book providing customers a multitude of books, magazines, newspapers, and other content via downloads from the Barnes and Noble site. Barnes and Noble provides the customer base with over 6,000 publications of various materials
The digital platform demand is growing and Barnes and Noble is pushing operations to deliver products for every inquiring mind be it a professional, college student, children, young and old, and everything in between. The digital age is here to stay; it is taking over paper products by leaps and bounds. This digital age is providing opportunity for development in hardware, software, and delivery speed for web designers and network designers.
Barnes and Noble increased total sales in 2011 by 20.5% or $1.91 billion over the 2010 annual report of $5.81 billion (, 2011). The decision to close low performance stores increased higher performing stores sales by $25 million, and the digital expansion in products, toys and games increased sales by 0.7% off setting the decline in paper products (, 2011).
Ethics and Compliance
Barnes and Noble supports a strong community alliance by hosting thousands of literary and cultural events nationwide. Community involvement for Downs Syndrome, reading programs, book drives, and storytelling are important to the Barnes and Noble family (, 2011). Together with
References: Barnes and Noble. (2005). SEC Filings. Retrieved from Code of business conduct and ethics. (2010, December 15). Retrieved from Http:// (2012). Retrieved from Http:// (2013). Retrieved from Mayo, H. B. (2012). Basic finance: An introduction to financial institutions, investments, and management (10th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western. (2011). Barnes and Noble Annual Report 2011. Retrieved from