Everest University Online
Composition / Prof. Waller
Drinking and driving is a very bad combination. Mixing the two would be very deadly for many people on the streets. Drinking reduces your concentration and your reactions to sudden hazards which can lead to fatal accidents or severe injury. You should not drink while under the influence as it can put yourself and others in danger. This can all be prevented by making smarter decisions. If you choose to be responsible behind the wheel, you can save lives. Drinking and driving has a large percentage in injuries and death. It is not fair that an innocent victim should have to pay the price of someone’s mistake. When you are drunk, you should not drive. You are not in the right balance state of mind to understand what you are doing as well as your reaction to sudden hazards will be slower. As a result you can end up killing others or injuring others and yourself. Also you can cause many damages on the streets and to your own car. When drinking, the brain slows down, which restules in a dangerously slow reaction time. Also, drinking can slur your speech and one’s judgment is impaired. A person may think that their good enough judge to tell when they have had too much to drink but that would be the alcohol impairing their judgment. One of the most frequently type of person that will drive a vehicle impaired is adolescents. Surprisingly enough this happens very often, and when mixing alcohol and inexperience driving the result is deadly. Many teens have done this and have either killed themselves and or other innocent people. “According to the U.S. Surgeon General, about 5,000 kids under 21 die every year as a result of underage drinking – from crashes, homicides, and suicides. Teens that drink also are at risk for a long list of other injuries and potential life-long alcohol abuse. Reducing underage drinking can reduce drinking-related harm” (alcohol to teens).
References: Don 't serve alcohol to teens. (2013). Dangers of Teen Drinking. Retrieved from: http://www.dontserveteens.gov/dangers.html Drunken Driving Facts. (2013). retrieved from: http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/50-things-girls-wish-guys-knew-13207.html. Drinking and Driving. (2013). retrieved from: http://www.icap.org/PolicyTools/ICAPBlueBook/BlueBookModules/15DrinkingandDriving/tabid/175/Default.aspx