Project Timeline
Please use this timeline as a guide for pacing your reading and for developing a clearer understanding of the novel. The dates for turning in the comprehension questions are included, and the final project is due on Friday, March 2, 2012. Students will receive 1 bonus point towards the culminating project for each set of comprehension questions turned in. Work hard, and have fun!
Comprehension Questions
Vocabulary-not in chapter order
Week 1: (January 23-27)
1. What interesting language does the author use to describe how cold it is in Flint?
2. What kind of relationship does Kenny have with his brother, Byron?
3. How does Hambone Henderson try to discourage Wilona from marrying Mr. Watson? What do you think Mr. Watson thinks of Hambone? How can you tell?
4. Why does Kenny see Rufus, the new boy on the bus, as his “personal saver”?
5. Why do you think Kenny is friends with LJ, even though LJ isn’t nice to him?
Due: January 27, 2012 boycott-to refuse to buy something or to take part in something as a way of making a protest bravo-well done! cockeyed or lazy-eyed-cross-eyed or having an eye that squints or slants cracker-an offensive term used to describe a class of poor white people in parts of the southeastern US
Week 2: (January 30-February 3)
1. Have you ever had a problem with a bully at your school? How did you work it out?
2. Why do you think Mrs. Watson speaks “Southern-style” when she gets angry?
3. If you were Mrs. Watson, how would you punish Byron when he plays with fire?
4. How does the author show that Byron is not as tough as he pretends to be?
Due: February 3, 2012 discrimination-prejudice or unjust behavior to others based on differences in age, race, or gender egghead-a smart person emulate-to follow or imitate generate-to produce or create something grapevine-If you hear information through the grapevine, you hear it unofficially or as a rumor.