Reading Guide Questions
Chapters 13
Identifying Facts
1. What doesn't Huck like about the Widow Douglas?
The fact that she makes him wear new clothes that are tight and she won't let him smoke and he had to pray before he ate his food. 2. What does Jim think has happened to him as a result of the trick that Tom plays on him?
Jim was sleeping when they snuck out, so Tom played a trick by placing his hat on the branch above his head; when Jim woke up, he told everyone that a witch flew him all over town and then placed his hat up there. 3. How does Huck know that the drowned body that is found is not his Pap? Huck says that a man would float on his back, and not on his face, unlike that drowned
person. 4. When Tom's gang raids the "Spanish merchants and rich Arabs" what is it that they actually do?
They interrupted a Sundayschool picnic, and stole the food.
5. Where does Miss Watson take Huck to pray? Why?
Miss Watson takes Huck to pray in a closet. Interpreting Meanings:understand (an action, mood, or way of behaving) as having a
particular meaning or significance 6. How would you compare the characters of the Widow Douglas and Miss Watson? Who seems to be presented in a more favorable light? Why do you think so?
Miss Watson is more lenient than the Widow and cares less about rule than the Widow, though she cares a lot about it. She is more favorable since if on is in her supervision, it would be far better than the widow’s. 7. How does Huck respond to Miss Watson's admonitions to pray? What does this tell us about Huck?
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, 1884
Reading Guide Questions
Huck says he can’t get what he prays for. This shows that he is young and superstitious in an innocent way
8. How would you characterize Huck's selfimage at this point in the novel? Do you think it is accurate? His selfimage is very young, rude, sly, and playful.
9. What is the setting of the novel? Why is the time period in which it is set important? It is set in St. Petersburg, Missouri near the Mississippi River.It is important because that
is where Huck and Tom are and it tell wat they are doing.
10. How would you contrast the characters of Huck and Tom?
Tom is very imaginative and is always thinking up games and schemes, and involving Huck and his other friends in them. Huck is more practical than Tom, but allows himself to be lead by Tom at times. This is seen most clearly in the closing chapters of 'Huckleberry
Finn' where Huck allows Tom to make a game out of Jim's imprisonment, in spite of the fact that he and Jim have become friends on their travels together. Tom knows that Jim is really free, but can't resist pretending he is not in order to make things more exciting. He craves drama in his life. Huck does not live in fantasy like Tom does. When he makes up stories as he sometimes does, it is only out of necessity, whereas Tom does it just for fun.