Comprehensive Exam
Jan, 2011
Research Methods
Describe questionnaires, interviews, observational methods and case studies. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each?
a. Compare and contrast qualitative research and quantitative research.
b. What are the goals, advantages, and disadvantages of descriptive, correlational, and experimental designs?
A questionnaire is a technique that used for collecting data in a survey. It is a series of questions to which the respondent provides answers. During the interviews and in person surveys one must stay within the bounds of the designed protocol. Observational research solely involves the researcher(s) making observations. There are numerous positive aspects to this research approach. Observations are flexible and don’t necessarily have to be structured around a hypothesis. One disadvantage to doing surveys is that there is little chance of causation being shown. Case studies emphasize a limited number of events or conditions within their relationships. Strengths: The advantages of the case study method are applicable to real-life, contemporary, human situations, and its public accessibility through written reports (Rubin, Babbie, 2011). Qualitative research is scientific. It seeks answers to questions. It systematically uses a predefined set of procedures to do everything. Everything involves answering questions, collecting evidence, produces findings that were not determined at an earlier time, and produces findings that were not determined at an earlier time, and produces findings that are applicable beyond the immediate boundaries of the study. This research seeks to understand a given research problem or topic from the perspectives of the population that’s involved. It is especially effective in obtaining culturally specific information (, 2011). Qualitative research methods are used when you want to know “how many” and/or “how often (, 2011). Quantitative
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