The Oxford dictionary defines alienation as; to estrange, isolate, detach, distance, to put a distance, to turn away from another person. Alienation, like a lot of other social attitudes and concepts, can give a wide variety of interests. I have found six main points in The Encyclopedia of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Psychoanalysis that have gotten the most attention and things written about alienation; A) Powerlessness: The feeling, that a persons behavior can't control some events whether positive or negative, B) Meaninglessness : The person feels incomprehensive in his/her social life and feels the "absurdity of life", C) Normlessness: High expectancies for, socially unapproved ways to achieving a goal, D) Cultural Estrangement: person's individual values rejected by society, E) Social Isolation: being lonely and commonly found a member of a minority or physically disabled, F) Self Estrangement: This focuses on the discrepancy or differences between one's ideal self and one's actual self.
Hispanic nurses is growing in conjunction with the growing Hispanic population as this population presents unique cultural considerations which can best be addressed by someone of a similar cultural background. The contention is presented that being Hispanic, however, is not enough to insure securing a job in the nursing profession. In order to meet their personal and cultural commitments Hispanic nurses must strive to complete the highest degree of training possible to better equip them for the ever evolving field of nursing, and this is the position in which I fit, because my full time job is a bedside registered nurse, working in a nursing home in charge of the floor. From the point of view of alienation, there were many times in which I’ve feel alienated in the hospital that I’ve been working, since I started my profession, and getting worse in Arkansas and Oklahoma, states that