Keilwitz (2014) stated comprehensive induction is defined as having four components: (a) basic induction (mentor and supportive communication with principal …show more content…
Thus, an inducted first-year teacher is likely to produce the same levels of student achievement as a non-inducted fourth-year teacher. Although comprehensive induction programs are not inexpensive, they have short- and long-term payoffs. Since these first-year and fourth-year teachers are essentially doing the same job, the gap between first- and fourth-year salaries represents savings from the programs in addition to the savings related to reducing turnover, and increased student …show more content…
Howard continues that comprehensive induction programs are designed to address the roots of teacher dissatisfaction by providing teachers with the supports and tools they need for success—by guiding their work, further developing their skills to handle the full range of their responsibilities, and evaluating their performance during the first few years of teaching.
Loeschen (2012) further explained that induction also improves the satisfaction and skills of veteran teachers. Experienced teachers serving as mentors or evaluators improve their own teaching practices by observing and coaching beginners. Often, teacher coaches find that mentoring provides them with new opportunities for career growth and better pay. The collaborative aspect of a good induction program helps foster a community of educators committed to raising the performance of their school and district. The benefits of induction to all teachers, new and seasoned alike, should not be