Computer can be defined as an electromechanical device which accepts and process data, following a set of instructions called programs, thereby giving the result of processing accurately and efficiently to the end users.
COMPUTER HARDWARE: The physical computer and its component are referred to as hardware devices.
These are computer components that one can see and touch.
It includes the memory that stores data and program instructions;
Keyboard: see details below
Mouse: An input device that allows an individual to control a
mouse pointer in a graphical user interface (GUI). Utilizing a mouse a user has the ability to perform various functions such as opening a program or file and does not require the user to memorize commands, like those used in a text-based environment such as MS-DOS
mouse Mouse
Printer: An external hardware device responsible for
taking computer data and generating a hard copy of that data. Printers are one of the most used peripherals on computers and are commonly used to print text, images, and/or photos.
d. Monitor: Also called a video display terminal (VDT) a monitor is a video display screen and the hard shell that holds it. In its most common usage, monitor refers only to devices that contain no electronic equipment other than what is essentially needed to display and adjust the characteristics of an image
e. Webcam: A camera connected to a computer or server that allows anyone connected to the Internet to view still pictures or motion video of a user. The majority of webcam web sites are still pictures that are frequently refreshed every few seconds, minutes, hours, or days. However, there are some sites and personal pages that can supply streaming video for users with broadband. Today, most webcams are connected to the USB or