Hanly, Chapter 8, Self-Check Exercises (p. 386), numbers 2-3
2. 7 cells of memory, integers, 0,7
3.int sqrt[11] int pow(x,3)[11]
Hanly, Chapter 8, Self-Check Exercises (p. 394), number 1
1.int sqrt[11]
Int pow (x,3)[11]
Int index =0,I;
For (i=0,i<index,i++
Hanly, Chapter 8, Self-Check Exercises (p. 396), numbers 1-2
1.sqrt (xi+1-xi)pow(x,2) + (yi+1-yi)pow(y,2)
2.int LIST_SIZE[6];
Int odd;
Int sum, I;
Sum=i+ odd;
Hanly, Chapter 8, Programming (pp. 396-397), number 1
1. #include<stdio.h>
Int main <void>
Int list{11};
Int n, I, sum;
Double %_of_total;
Printf(“please enter values\n”)
%_of_total = sum;
Printf(“The%d is the %_of_total %d\n”, n, %_of_total);
Return (0);
Hanly, Chapter 8, Self-Check Exercises (p. 410), numbers 3-4
3.return (int, 1= I <=in_use, 0= I =in_use);
4.for(i=0, i<=data, ++i)
Hanly, Chapter 8, Programming (p. 410), numbers 1, 3
1. Int multiply [5]
3.(double values ([10], int n)
Hanly, Chapter 8, Programming (p. 416), number 3
3.index_of_mass = get_max_range(list,fill, n-1);
Hanly, Chapter 8, Review Questions (p. 435-436), numbers 1, 6
1.for (i=0, i<=8, ++I)
6. const reverse (int x {},
Int ysum[],
Int n)
Ysum= getx[](n-1)
Hanly, Chapter 9, Self-Check Exercises (pp. 453-454), numbers 1-3
1. C
2. It displays the values in memory until it finds a null character or it finds value in memory not stored to the program and causes a run time error.
3. char_[30][29]= {_;}
Hanly, Chapter 9, Programming (p. 454), number 1
1. #include <stdio.h>
Int main(void)
Char fractal[25][24]= {fractal stars with the letter f;}
1. Write the correct syntax for declaring and initializing an array that contains the numbers 0-9.
Int array[10]
2. What is the subscript for the first element in every array?
3. What is the subscript to number 69 in the following array? int num[10] = { 11, 24, 31, 44, 56, 69, 77, 82, 93 };
4. What is the largest subscript