1 - The supercomputers are extremely fast computers that are used in scientific research for their ability to do large amount of calculations and store large amount of data. One use of these computers is weather forecast because of the large amount of calculations involved.
2 - Mainframe computers allows several thousands of users at any time. They are used by government companies, airline companies for bookings, insurance companies and banks.
2 - Personal computers are for personal use at home or at work. In what follows, the different types of personal computers are discussed.
It is a computer system that is used at home, at work, in schools, universities... It consists of a monitor and a casing inside which the power supply, the CPU, the motherboard and many other devices are located.
These computers may be used for creating, editing, printing and sending documents. They are also used to communicate using the vast network of computers spread all over the world called the internet. They are used to play music, videos, games, and learn new languages, mathematics and many other scientific subjects.
A laptop has similar computing power as the desktop but has a set of electrical batteries that allows it to be used in cars, parks, airplanes. They also have a smaller weight and are therefore portable. Besides being used to surf the net, send e-mails, they can also be used to create, edit and send documents, excel sheets.
The portability and the computing power of laptops make them suitable for presentations, using for example power point, in conferences and forums.
They also have enough power to play games, read and write CD's and DVD's.
A netbook specializes in browsing the Web. They have the looks of laptops, but lack the full capabilities of a computer. They weigh less than a laptop and are smaller in size which are big advantages for travelers with