Education by Computers – a Better Way?
This study examines the role of computers in education in order to show their importance in it and accordingly the reasons. The aim of the researcher is to show an irrefutable irreplaceability of computers in the educational industry, inclosing some notable facts and investigations. The researcher also provides some key advantages of the education by computers, comparing a traditional method of study with a study via computers. Computers are the future, and it does not matter if we like it or not. Day by day they play more and more significant role in our life. Some people adore computers, being impossible to imagine their life without them. Others dislike computers admitting that computers has too big impact on every sphere of human being and try to avoid it Looking at these two opposite points of view, we can make a conclusion that there is nothing new and strange in the fact that people tend to value themselves more than some machine. So, all seems to be clear in this issue, but there appears another question, which concerns already not the problem of computers and human beings, but the problem of computers in education. Is it really a better way to be taught, or maybe a traditional method of education, using books, is more effective and, what is more, use-proven by the hundreds of years of study.
There are a number of arguments stressing that computer technology deeply influences the education sector. “It seems that more and more often computers and technology are being used in an educational setting. This trend of wiring schools, using long distance learning, and reliance on the internet for information is seemingly being pushed forward without any real test or study on the usefulness of such technology on education”. (Hodorowicz).
There are some advantages and disadvantages of using computers in education. According to the book “ Cross National Policies and Practices on Computers in Education” by Tj Plomp and Ronald E., it is admitted that “The use of computers as a medium – that is, as a tool and an air for teaching and learning – encompasses, for example, all forms of computer-assisted instructions. This type of use can contribute in two ways to educational practice. First, it may improve the educational achievement and effectiveness of education (as computer usage for remedial purposes demonstrates), In other words, technology can be instrumental in realizing exciting educational goals in a better way and often for more pupils. Computers have the potential of contributing to the realization of “new” educational goals, such as the teaching of problem-solving and productive (as opposed to reproductive) cognitive skills” (Plomp 10). Thought it was always a problem to encourage students to study, it is visible that this aim is really can be embodied.
There are several key advantages of computers in education:
Storage of information. Nobody can argue that it is more fun and easier way to acquire knowledge with computers. As it was shown by practice, it is much easier and faster for students to find some required information referring to the Internet that using fat books for this purpose.
Quick data processing. There is no doubt that it is much easier to store retrieved information on computers than to maintain hand-written notes. Computer has very significant role as data-base.
Audio-visual aids in teaching. Computers are an excellent aid in teaching. Education isn’t limited to classrooms at present. There are a lot of educational online courses which provides students with a convenient way of study .from their homes.
Better presentation of information. “Information can be presented in different forms over a computer. It can be in the form of some audio recording or a video clip. It provides for students a wider circle of ways of study, not just reading from the screen. . It suggests them a learning system wherein it is possible to view pictures as well as to watch videos and listen to speeches or lectures. It makes the process of teaching and learning, interesting and interactive..
More individualized study process.. Using computers, students are more tend to self-study. It helps them to be able to do things and make decisions by themselves, without needing other people to help them. It stimulates students to develop their creative thinking and to take on projects independently. ”Computers stimulate students to conduct experiments, design and create solutions to the problem”( Plomp 368 ).
Despite the advances computers and technology have given education, there are areas which the technology has been used in a poor manner. One of the largest problems is interactive computer learning and long distance learning. Being that they range from somewhat impersonal to very impersonal, there is a loss of interaction with fellow students and faculty (Hodorowicz ). It is natural that all want “to experience warmth, human interaction, the thrill of discovery, and solid grounding in essentials: reading, getting along with others, training in civic virtue. Only a teacher, live in a classroom, can bring about this inspiration ... Yet, everywhere [you can] hear parents and principals clamoring for interactive computer instruction.” (Schwarz 76-84). Besides, some students use software in an illegal manner . They don’t know that “duplicating software for private use is wrong or unethical. As far as they are concerned, the copied software is not used for monetary gains, they are definitely not stealing, they are only using the software to learn … Had they had to, pay for the software, they would not have bothered to use it at all.” (Wong). Despite of such disadvantages of using computers in education, it is just impossible to remove them from the process of study. “Removing computers would be a larger shift and would cause much more havoc than bringing them into use was. This would hurt the educational system more than help the problem of isolation” (Hodorowicz).
As we can notice from everyday life, computers provides an incredible impact not only for the educational environment, but they are greatly used in all fields. At present nobody can imagine his life without computers. Although there are some disadvantages of the education by computers, they still remain a part of almost every industry today. That’s why the importance of computer education is so significant. It really proved to be respected and greatly used, having achieving all the goals of its purposes, making our life and study much easier and more enjoyable. But speaking about computers’ replacement of books and teachers, it will be better to say that it is not just impossible but also not in need. Once Louis Vincent Gerstner, Jr said “ Computers are magnificent tools for the realization of our dreams, but no machine can replace the human spark of spirit, compassion, love and understanding”. Computers should be used as an educational tools, rather than means of education. A traditional method of education and the education by computers require no replacement by each other, but collaboration as two different but essential parts of studying process. Just using both of them will lead to a successful education.
Works Cited
Plomp Tj, Anderson Ronald E. and Kontogiannopoulou-Polydorides Georgia. Cross National Policies and Practices on Computers in Education, The Netherlands, Cluwer Academic Publishers,m 1996.
Schwarz, Gretchen. The rhetoric of cyberspace and the real curriculum. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 1996) p. 76-84 Hodorowicz Luke. Computer ethicks, December 6, 2000.
Cited: Plomp Tj, Anderson Ronald E. and Kontogiannopoulou-Polydorides Georgia. Cross National Policies and Practices on Computers in Education, The Netherlands, Cluwer Academic Publishers,m 1996. Schwarz, Gretchen. The rhetoric of cyberspace and the real curriculum. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 1996) p. 76-84 Hodorowicz Luke. Computer ethicks, December 6, 2000.