This is what defines computers in today’s world – computers that are networked, regularly connected to the internet for communication and information exchange. And with wireless networking becoming ubiquitous, computers have evolved from its simple form into a necessity that they are today for millions of people across the globe.
The many uses of computer in today’s world are pretty much reflective of its progression and evolution. Transforming the world’s system of communication, people from all walks of life use computers in most of their personal or business communication needs. Computer have played and still continue to play a critical function in the field of medicine, science, research, engineering, business, defense, industry, music, painting and almost anything that a person does. Almost every business is hooked to computers for its various applications that are programmed to help in the smooth and accurate operations of the business. If we look around us, it will be hard to imagine how the world will function the way it is functioning now, if computers did not develop into the forms and functionality